Manolis Varvounis & Georgios Kouzas, Eisagogi stin Astiki Laographia, Theoritikes Prossegisis, Methodologia, Thematikes [An Introduction to Urban Folklore. Theoretical Approaches-Methodology-Themes]

  • Rea Kakampoura Department of Primary Education, School of Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


In autumn 2019 “Papazzisis Publications” published the book of Manolis Varvounis and Georgios Kouzas titled An Introduction to Urban Folklore. Theoretical Approaches –Methodology – Themes. It is fortunate that two well known folklorists in Greece collaborate in this book, Manolis Varvou- nis, Professor of Folklore Studies at the Department of History and Eth- nology, Democritus University of Thrace and Director of the Laboratory of Folklore and Social Anthropology at the same University, and Georgios Kouzas, Assistant Professor of Urban Folklore at the Department of Philol- ogy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. With their interdisci- plinary and multidisciplinary approach on the issue of urban folklore, they managed to combine theory and practice and to deliver to the scientific and reading audience a work that is useful for the academic community.

Како цитирати
KAKAMPOURA, Rea. Manolis Varvounis & Georgios Kouzas, Eisagogi stin Astiki Laographia, Theoritikes Prossegisis, Methodologia, Thematikes [An Introduction to Urban Folklore. Theoretical Approaches-Methodology-Themes]. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ, [S.l.], v. 71, n. 2, p. 301–304, sep. 2023. ISSN 2334-8259. Доступно на:
Датум приступа: 27 july 2024