Ка антропологији неге: случај дојења
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/GEI1701223S UDC 39:618.63:141.72 Review article 223
Овај рад има за циљ да укаже на могућности повезивања антрополошких истраживања
и Care студија (студија неге) у анализи феномена материнства. У сврху успостављања
корелације између ових дисциплина, ауторка проблематизује праксе дојења и
представе о женском телу у дискурсу хијерархије унутар „ланца неге”.
Кључне речи: дојење, тело, феминизам, материнство, нега, студије неге.
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Kleinmnan, Arthur. 1999. “Experience and its Moral Modes: Culture, Human Conditions,
and Disorder”. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values Vol. 20:
Maher, Vanessa. 1992a. “Breast-Feeding in Cross-cultural Perspective: Paradoxes
and Proposals. In The Anthropology of Breastfeeding, Natural Law or Social
Construct (Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women Vol. 3), ed. Vanessa
Maher, 1-36. Oxford, Washington D.C: Berg Publishers.
Maher, Vanessa. 1992b. “Breast-Feeding and Maternal Depletion: Natural law or
Cultural Arrangements?” In The Anthropology of Breastfeeding, Natural
Law or Social Construct (Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women Vol. 3),
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Muers, Rachel. 2010. “The Ethics of Breast-Feeding: A Feminist Theological Exploration”.
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Vol. 26, N°1: 7-24.
Shaw, Ronda. 2004. “Performing breastfeeding: embodiment, ethics and the maternal
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Stearns, A. Cindy. 1999. “Breastfeeding and the good maternal body”. Gender &
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Tronto, Joan. 2013. “The Challenges of Medical Care in a Caring Democracy”.
Lecture delivered at Université de Lausanne (Ethos – Plateforme interdisciplinaire
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Van Esterik, Penny. 2002. “Contemporary Trends in Infant Feeding Research”, Annual
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Van Esterik, Penny. 1995. "Thank You Breasts: Breastfeeding as a Global Feminist
Issue". In Ethnographic Feminisms. Eds. S. Cole and L. Phillips, 75-
91. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
Wall, Glenda. 2001. “Moral Constructions of Motherhood in Breastfeeding Discourse”.
Gender and Society Vol. 15, No. 4: 592-610.
Примљено / Received: 19. 01. 2017.
Прихваћено / Accepted: 21. 03. 2017.
on Care. Work, Kinship, and the Life-Course, eds. Alber, Erdmute,
Drotbohm, Heike, 1-19. Palgrave Macmillan.
Balsamo, Franca, De Mari Gisella, Maher Vanessa and Serini Rosalba. 1992. “Production
and Pleasure: Research on Breast-Feeding in Turin”. In The Anthropology
of Breastfeeding, Natural Law or Social Construct (Crosscultural
Perspectives on Women Vol. 3), ed. Vanessa Maher, 59-90. Oxford,
Washington D.C: Berg Publishers.
Brugère, Fabienne. 2011. L’éthique du « care ». Collection « Que sais-je ?
» no 3903, Paris : PUF.
Butler, Judith. 2009. Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable? London, New York:
Verso Books.
Gilligan, Carol. 1982. In a Different Voice. Cambridge Mass: Harvard University
Hausman, Bernice L. 2007. “Things (Not) to Do with Breasts in Public: Maternal
Embodiment and the Biocultural Politics of Infant Feeding”. New Literary
History, Volume 38, N° 3: 479-504.
Kleinmnan, Arthur. 1999. “Experience and its Moral Modes: Culture, Human Conditions,
and Disorder”. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values Vol. 20:
Maher, Vanessa. 1992a. “Breast-Feeding in Cross-cultural Perspective: Paradoxes
and Proposals. In The Anthropology of Breastfeeding, Natural Law or Social
Construct (Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women Vol. 3), ed. Vanessa
Maher, 1-36. Oxford, Washington D.C: Berg Publishers.
Maher, Vanessa. 1992b. “Breast-Feeding and Maternal Depletion: Natural law or
Cultural Arrangements?” In The Anthropology of Breastfeeding, Natural
Law or Social Construct (Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women Vol. 3),
ed. Vanessa Maher, 151-180. Oxford, Washington D.C: Berg Publishers.
Muers, Rachel. 2010. “The Ethics of Breast-Feeding: A Feminist Theological Exploration”.
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Vol. 26, N°1: 7-24.
Shaw, Ronda. 2004. “Performing breastfeeding: embodiment, ethics and the maternal
subject”. Feminist Review 78: 99-116.
Srdić Srebro, Andja. 2014. „Materinstvo: prirodni zakon ili sociokulturni
kontekst?“. Etnološko-antropološke sveske n°23, (n.s) 12: 37-50.
Stearns, A. Cindy. 1999. “Breastfeeding and the good maternal body”. Gender &
Society, n°13 (3): 308-325.
Tronto, Joan. 2013. “The Challenges of Medical Care in a Caring Democracy”.
Lecture delivered at Université de Lausanne (Ethos – Plateforme interdisciplinaire
d’éthique) 6th June 2013.
Van Esterik, Penny. 2002. “Contemporary Trends in Infant Feeding Research”, Annual
Review of Anthropology Vol. 31: 257-278.
Van Esterik, Penny. 1995. "Thank You Breasts: Breastfeeding as a Global Feminist
Issue". In Ethnographic Feminisms. Eds. S. Cole and L. Phillips, 75-
91. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
Wall, Glenda. 2001. “Moral Constructions of Motherhood in Breastfeeding Discourse”.
Gender and Society Vol. 15, No. 4: 592-610.
Примљено / Received: 19. 01. 2017.
Прихваћено / Accepted: 21. 03. 2017.
Како цитирати
Ка антропологији неге: случај дојења.
Гласник Етнографског института САНУ, [S.l.], v. 65, n. 1, p. 223-230, nov. 2017.
ISSN 2334-8259.
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