Антропологија и антика: eпистемолошка разилажења и сусрети

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/GEI1802287S УДК 39:572.028"652" Оригинални научни рад


The paper deals with the relationship between two academic disciplines: anthropology and
Classics that was changing through the time. Although the classical scholars that were
oriented towards anthropology never represented dominant stream in the discipline that
researched antiquity, we may follow the transformation of mentioned relation that reflects
specific methodological positions and changes, as well as wider social and historical context
that unavoidably had impact on the development and the status of the academic disciplines.
The research attitude towards the Other (as the other culture or as own past) that developed
in a specific way in colonialist nineteen century led gradually to disciplinary self-criticism
and self-awareness of superior position of the researcher in anthropology that reflected the
attitude towards own culture. Regarding the classics, I will point exactly to those researchers
that had anthropological approach (even after this discipline abandoned diachrony),
changing the dominant perspective from which the antiquity was perceived in order to free themselves from the position about the “cradle of European civilisation”. They started to
pose new questions and changed the focus of their research, taking new perspectives for
interpretation of fascinating ancient cultures.

Key words: Frazer, Cambridge Ritualists, Louis Gernet, French anthropological school of
ancient worlds, Vernant


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Примљено / Received: 05. 02. 2018.
Прихваћено / Accepted: 03. 05. 2018.
Како цитирати
STEVANOVIĆ (SERBIA), Lada. Антропологија и антика: eпистемолошка разилажења и сусрети. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ, [S.l.], v. 66, n. 2, p. 287-302, sep. 2018. ISSN 2334-8259. Доступно на:
Датум приступа: 19 apr. 2024