Антропологија глуме као истраживање личног искуства: рад на формирању драмског лика

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/GEI1802417L УДК 792:572.028 Прегледни рад 417

  • Amra Latifić (Serbia) Факултет за медије и комуникације, Универзитет Сингидунум у Београду


The work is carried out to analyze the relationship of acting as mimesis and acting as an
expression. Performing arts to the twentieth century were relied on performance as mimesis,
regarding the practice of mimicking and generating (pre)configured content of the external
world. Mimetic acting was relied on the interpretation of the character and the given
expression that was created an interpreter from the actor. Acting discipline in the second half
of the twentieth century was based on the expressive artistic procedure. Unlike acting as
mimesis, expressive acting examines the biological and cultural human behavior in a
concrete situation: the actor becomes the creator of theatrical situations. Reference frames of
the process of performing in the theater with the external position and the ideal of the
mimetic performance, move to the inner, immanent, creating expressive dramatic character and dramatic situations, which are realized in the moment of performance. Theatre
anthropology, using the expressive style of acting as an object of research, studyes human
behavior within the theater laws and conditions. On this line of experiments and analysis of
nature of performing arts, arises laboratory theatre of Grotowski and theatre anthropology of
Barba. Based on their research, in the paper were analyzed and placed the possible processes
of searching for the dramatic character. As essential elements of the process of creating the
dramatic character are set: violence, artificiality, state of trance, body of artists, scenic bios,
the relationship with the audience and the reflexive rationalization of the artistic act.

Key words: acting, theater, performing arts, theatre anthropology, acting as an expression,
acting as mimesis, dramatic character, theatrical laboratory


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Примљено / Received: 05. 02. 2018.
Прихваћено / Accepted: 03. 05. 2018.
Како цитирати
LATIFIĆ (SERBIA), Amra. Антропологија глуме као истраживање личног искуства: рад на формирању драмског лика. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ, [S.l.], v. 66, n. 2, p. 417-429, sep. 2018. ISSN 2334-8259. Доступно на:
Датум приступа: 21 sep. 2024